Some testimonials

“Isabelle is a very understanding, compassionate and intuitive counsellor. I am very glad to have found her during a time when I had overwhelming anxiety. She provided me with the insight and direction I needed to understand and work through my emotional turmoil.” Mel (20’s)

“I have found Isabelle to be sensitive, perceptive and compassionate. She has travelled with me as I have re-visited some very painful experiences/times in my life, always accepting me wherever I was. I am leaving my time with her with a new and more positive understanding of myself. I trust myself more and I have found a new enthusiasm for my life as I feel more in touch with myself and am enthusiastically carving a new path in life. One that is more aligned with my true purpose.” Juliet (40’s)

“I have only known Isabelle for a short time but in that time, I have found her to be kind, patient and a good listener. She helped me through the death of my husband and I have found her help extremely valuable. She does not give advice but suggests how to handle things or see things differently.” Susan (70’s)

“Isabelle, to me, was a great listener. She never judged nor influenced me in any way. I knew she was there for me and still is now, through everything. Isabelle is a kind and thoughtful person and has always made me consider the bigger picture in my problems. Her help enabled me to overcome my issues and view things more positively.” Sophie (16)

Lorsque le chemin de la vie se parseme d’embuches, qu’un tas de pensees negatives nous fait perdre de vue l’important, la psychotherapie aide a se retrouver. Dans cette situation, s’exprimer dans une langue etrangere peut etre difficile pour retranscrire avec precision notre etat d’esprit et nos sentiments. Ma rencontre avec Isabelle m’a permis de m’exprimer simplement et facilement dans ma langue natale. Sa disponibilite et sa gentillesse facilite le dialogue. Ayant la meme experience que la mienne de Francaise expatriee en Angeleterre, Isabelle a su comprendre certaines de mes experiences et difficultes. L’annee pendant laquelle nous nous sommes vues, Isabelle m’a permis de me retrouver en tant qu’individu et de me recentrer sur mon identitee, mes priorites, mes envies et oser etre moi-meme. Avec Isabelle j’ai appris a mettre en place different outils qui m’aident encore aujourd’hui quand le stresse et l’anxiete me gagnent. Laure (30’s)